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2024-04-09 21:03:57

At the hospital ER today some angry dude walked out of the waiting room and up to the nurse at the triage desk:
“I've been here for 25 minutes! How long is this going to take? ____ is not feeling any better!!”.
The nurse, who was very nicely helping us check in, and had helped the dozen or so others there, turned off the smile and just looked at him... dead pan stare… and said.
Angry-dude said some other stuff, then turned around and went back to the w…

Angry Watch Out GIF by BrownSugarApp
2024-05-09 07:05:32

I haven't used stackoverflow much, just had two answers I'd posted there. I deleted them both, and got the same email others have got.. Probably the most passive-aggressive email I've ever received.
By the way if you delete your account, they anonymise your posts. AFAICT, that's against the creative commons attribution share-alike license of the posts.


We're writing in reference to your Stack Overflow account:

You have recently removed or defaced content from your posts. Please note that once you post a question or answer to this site, those posts become part of the collective efforts of others who have also contributed to that content. Posts that are potentially useful to others should not be removed except under extraordinary circumstances. Even if the post is no longer useful to the ori…
2024-04-08 08:25:10

Politics (in general)
If you ever needed a short answer on how right-wing politics differs from the left-wing politics:
The essence of right-wing politics is the conviction that it is the most important to help the rich (and other privileged people), because if they became even more sickly rich, it is bound that some of that will finally start trickling down on everyone. And if it doesn't, then it's all fault of the people who aren't white cis hetero males — of given nationality, faith and right-wing views.
On the other hand, the left-wing views are based on weird ideas such as that all people are equal, nobody should be privileged and that everyone deserves to live.
2024-03-08 16:00:09

qa_user: User interactions on Q&A websites (2016)
Networks of interactions among users from four online Q&A sites: Stack Overflow, Math Overflow, Super User, and Ask Ubuntu. A directed edge (i,j) indicates a user i responded to user j's post. Edges are timestamped. For each Q&A site, four differently defined networks are provided, based on the definition of an edge: (i) a user answered a question, (ii) a user commented on a question, (iii) a user commented on an answer…

qa_user: User interactions on Q&A websites (2016). 167981 nodes, 430033 edges.
2024-03-09 14:36:21

At one terrifying moment in this Hard Fork podcast, Perplexity's CEO envisions a future in which ads covertly change the results of search queries rather than sitting alongside them. Matthew Kirschenbaum's Textpocalypse scenario hinted at the dangers of AI-powered textual quicksand.

"What is even advertisement in this medium? Is it influencing the answer? Or is it influencing the sources but not the answer? Or is it something else, like maybe the follow ups you ask, trying to incentivize the user to ask certain things?"

—Perplexity CEO Aravind Srinivas
2024-05-08 08:39:19

This has been replaced.
initial toot:…
2024-05-08 08:32:47

This has been replaced.
initial toot:…
2024-05-07 02:22:06

Signatures of Open Magnetic Flux in #Jupiter's Dawnside Magnetotail: -> UAF scientist’s research answers big question about our system’s largest planet:
2024-04-08 13:27:54

Google's Education VP wants us to believe AI is the classroom's new calculator, but this is a terrible analogy:
1. We know how calculators produce their results.
2. You can check a calculator's answer using pretty much the same algorithm it uses.
3. Rare floating point errors aside, calculators do not invent false answers.
4. Calculators are based on math principles; LLMs are based on no principles.

Calculator with cancellation sign
2024-04-04 06:11:25

Personal, dreams, sad
I don't know if I am capable of dreaming anymore. What are dreams, anyway? How are they different from desires, aspirations and efforts?
But I can consider what I could dream of.
I could dream of not being angry all the time. Of not being filled with hatred.
I could dream of feeling secure. Of not worrying all the time about food and shelter. Of losing health insurance and access to medicine.
I could dream of having someone to rely on, of someone who'd take care of me and the things I can't handle. Of not feeling guilty of not meeting the expectations of others and my own, all the time.
I could dream of being able to experience all that stuff that I read about in books and see in movies. Of it not being too late for me anymore.